The Maha Lakshmi Shop

Maha Lakshmi Shop

We have a large shop at the Ashram called the Maha Lakshmi Shop. In the shop we carry devotional items and Babaji related items. These include murtis (statues) of Shiva, Krishna, Durga, Ganesh, Saraswati, Lakshmi, Hanuman, Buddha, Tara, and others, as well as malas, yantras, puja (pooja) items including lotas, aarati lamps, and bells, Babaji books, Babaji videos, and devotional chanting tapes and CD's.

Please also visit our Maha Lakshmi Online Shop, which carries wonderful items about Shri Babaji and the Divine Mother. It is full of puja and devotional supplies, Om Namah Shivaya bracelets, books, and CD's.

Purchasing something from our in-person Maha Lakshmi Shop or our Maha Lakshmi Online Shop is a fun way to help the Ashram. It is a major support of the Ashram.